Samsung has finally unveiled the pricing of the Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus. The tablet will be released in Europe later this month for 499 Euros or around $669. Powered by the Google Android Honeycomb 3.2 OS, the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus features a dual core 1.2GHz processor, a 7-inch (1024 x 600) multitouch display, a 1GB of RAM, a choice of 16GB or a 32GB of storage space, a 2MP front-facing camera for video calls, a 3MP rear-facing camera that can record HD video in 720p and a microSD card slot for storage expansion.
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Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus Pricing Unveiled
Posted by Riken Afani on October 10, 2011
Samsung has finally unveiled the pricing of the Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus. The tablet will be released in Europe later this month for 499 Euros or around $669. Powered by the Google Android Honeycomb 3.2 OS, the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus features a dual core 1.2GHz processor, a 7-inch (1024 x 600) multitouch display, a 1GB of RAM, a choice of 16GB or a 32GB of storage space, a 2MP front-facing camera for video calls, a 3MP rear-facing camera that can record HD video in 720p and a microSD card slot for storage expansion.