If you have a cell phone it is likely that at some point you have been charged additional or unexpected fees. These fees can come in many forms and all too often they occur on a regular basis. Sometimes they can really add to the cost of your cell phone plan making it more of a strain than it should be.
With all of the clever and entertaining commercials cell phone companies have sometimes it is easy to forget their main focus is to sell you something. Their focus is to make their product look fun and make their service look better than that of other competing companies.
They get a lot of people by offering great deals on popular phones. You can often get a expensive phone at a fraction of the regular price when you sign a contract for their plan. They may even offer some great deals on portions of their contract plan to sweeten the pot and get you to sign.
Remember Their Priority
The cell phone industry is competitive so they frequently offer good deals to get new customers and to hang on to existing customers, but their main goal is to make a profit. They can't offer deals that sound too good without some sort of payoff for these good deals. The payoff for them sometimes comes in the form of hidden fees.
By knowing what to look for you can watch for these fees and adjust your decision based on better information about the plan you are considering and any possible hidden fees. Sometimes modifying or adapting your behavior can also help you save money by avoiding these fees.
Common Hidden Cell Phone Fees
Some of the most common cell phone fees include overage fees, texting fees, roaming charges and data usage fees. As plans change some of the fees are changing so it is important to read the plan details and the fine print.
Some cell phone companies display there charges in a format that is easy to read, but others make it more difficult to know exactly what is included in the regular plan fee and what isn't. Always read the fine print and never assume a service is covered unless they clearly state it is.
Understand The Plan Before You Sign
Before signing up for any cell phone plan make a chart for yourself that helps you compare the carriers or plans of interest. On this chart list the common fees cell phone carriers charge so you have all of the information in your own easy to read format. List things like roaming charges, overage charges (how much per minute or text), late payment fees and data charges or limits.
The best way to save money on your cell phone plan is to be an informed consumer. This way you can truly pick the best plan to fit your lifestyle and usage habits.