Romo, the smartphone robot

Posted by Riken Afani on October 10, 2011

Romotive co-founder Peter Seid's tweet read "I build robots powered by smartphone" -- that was just the incentive we needed to go check out his and business partner Phu Nguyen's creation while on a recent trip to Seattle. Romo is a simple and affordable tank-like robot platform that uses basic analog electronics to trigger two motors via any device's headphone jack. The circuit is tuned to specific frequencies for each motor -- playback the right tones, and you control the hardware.

With a smartphone as its brain, all of Romo's logic and behavior live in the software. Three apps will be available at launch for both iOS and Android. RomoRemote lets you control the robot from another phone over WiFi, complete with remote live view and public address. Romo Kart is a mixed-reality version of Mario Kart, including digital attacks designed to slow down your adversaries. The Drag and Drop Programming Module makes it easy to program Romo directly from your handset with instant results.
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