Word has it that Apple will launch the 7.85-inch iPad Mini next year. Apple has received samples of 7.85-inch iPad Mini display from Korean LG Display and Taiwanese AU Optronics. The display features the same 1024×768 resolution of the current iPad. Additionally, Apple will also introduce the iPad 3 early next year. The upcoming Apple iPad 3 will feature a Retina display with a 2048 x 1536 pixel resolution. Stay tuned for more updates.
Home »Unlabelled » Upcoming 7.85-inch iPad Mini
Upcoming 7.85-inch iPad Mini
Posted by Riken Afani on October 19, 2011
Word has it that Apple will launch the 7.85-inch iPad Mini next year. Apple has received samples of 7.85-inch iPad Mini display from Korean LG Display and Taiwanese AU Optronics. The display features the same 1024×768 resolution of the current iPad. Additionally, Apple will also introduce the iPad 3 early next year. The upcoming Apple iPad 3 will feature a Retina display with a 2048 x 1536 pixel resolution. Stay tuned for more updates.